Wednesday, October 31, 2012

little thumbs of the day

Thanks for the comments  ! And there i thought that character sucked big time .....

Anyways here are todays sketches...

First one is still the same girl with dragon. Since her dragon is hurt and they almost got eaten by the white worms, she decided to hide her dragon and look for help, supplies, and hopefully a way out. So there she is jumping because in destroyed worlds characters are always climbing and jumping. The white stuff is just for effects, it looks like superpowers ( she doesnt have any ) haha but i like how it looked all exagerated so i left it there.

The others are just random practices but I will use the one on the lower left corner, for the same project....when she meets THE TERRIBLE MOLE PEOPLE OF DOOMZ.

1 comment:

  1. nice atmospheres- I like them together as a whole- side by side. Thumbnails are great :)
